SCiBOTRON offers customized software solutions within the Automation, Process Control and Manufacturing environments. Software solutions include information system platforms, database designs, autogenerator applets (automated engineering), reporting solutions and functionality to extend the capabilities of vendor software platforms. Software solutions are packaged as Desktop or Web Apps.
Desktop applications
Desktop applications are developed to target the underlying operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Linux or Mac), or can be written as cross-platform applications. Scibotron is experienced in development withing the following IDE’s and languages: QT Creator(C++) and Microsoft Visual Studio(C#, VB).
SCiBOTRON is developing a cross-platform, high-integrity, high-speed plant historian product which allows for storage and retrieval of contextualized time-series data into a Localized or cloud-hosted plant historian platform. Dashboards, trending and reporting are operator configurable with a simplified point-and-click HTML5 responsive interface. Product launch is expected later in 2020.